FGX technology is an innovative, efficient, coal preparation process using air. Typically coal processing is completed with water, which is a very costly and scarce resource requiring stricter permits to operate. The FGX dry coal washing process is proven successful, cost effective, environmentally friendly, and requires only an air quality permit.
Coal mining typically results in the recovery of rock that ranges from small to very large quantities depending on geological characteristics of the seam being mined. In some areas of the United States, large quantities of rock are being extracted in order to recover the coal, reportedly resulting in 60%-70% of the raw material being rejected as waste. The haulage, processing, and storage of the rock represent significant costs, energy inefficiency, and a negative environmental impact. The process of removing unwanted rock from run-of-mine coal is referred to as deshaling, which normally involves a high-density separation in a gravity-based process.

FGX dry coal processing is an effective deshaling technology developed by Tangshan Shenzhou Manufacturing, Co. Ltd (TSM). The FGX compound dry cleaning separator provides an efficient, dry, and gravity-based separation by integrating two separation mechanisms including an autogenous fluidized bed and a conventional table separator.
As a completely dry process, the FGX technology provides a coal preparation method that does not involve the use of water and its associated water treatment processes, which means Saving Water Costs. Since FGX deshaling is typically completed at mine sites prior to ROM coal being transported to prep plants, considering the skyrocketing diesel price, using FGX also results in Saving Transportation Costs.
By using an FGX separator, a certain amount of rock is rejected even before it enters coal prep plants. This means Saving Processing Costs because prep plants do not have to wash unnecessary materials. Actually, in this case the feed to prep plants is deshaled product which is much cleaner than the original ROM coal, therefore, prep plant productivity is improved as well.
Use FGX dry process on your coal to:
- Save coal processing water costs
- Save coal transportation costs
- Save coal processing costs
- Improve prep plant productivity
Features and applications of this technology are:
- Completely dry process
- Simple separation process and high separation efficiency
- Proven deshaling performance
- Environmental friendly and cost effective
- Produce clean product with lower moisture & higher BTU
- Easy operation and low maintenance
- Short installation and commission period
- Near-face deshaling for improved coal mining economics
- Preparation of low-rank coal
- Removal of pyretic sulfur and other heavy metals such as mercury
- Pre-deshaling for steam/metallurgical coal preparation
- Coal cleaning in arid and cold area
- Recovering coal from gob piles